Hesperidin (glycoside) is a flavonoid substance with a dihydroflavonoid glycoside structure and is weakly acidic. The pure product is white needle-like crystals, which is the main component of vitamin P. Hesperidin can resist oxidation and prevent cancer, prevent mildew, anti-allergic, lower blood pressure, inhibit oral cancer and esophageal cancer, maintain osmotic pressure, enhance capillary toughness, and lower cholesterol.
Hesperidin can reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries, and is used in the adjuvant treatment of hypertension and capillary bleeding disorders.
Hesperidin improves the resistance of capillaries (enhance the effect of vitamin C), have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and prevent frostbite effects
Hesperidin has anti-lipid oxidation, scavenging oxygen free radicals, anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, and anti-bacterial effects. Long-term use can delay aging and anti-cancer.
Used for adjuvant treatment of cardiovascular system diseases, can cultivate a variety of drugs to prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiac muscle infarction.
It can be used as a natural antioxidant in the food industry. Can also be used in the cosmetics industry.